Saturday, August 11, 2007

farewell, monster (or) sentimental explosions

Things are happening pretty fast. I leave for Honduras this Tuesday, and realize this more acutely each day. There are no more trips or obligations until my flight, so I have to start packing and thinking seriously about the next few months. I've been moving around quite a bit over the past few weeks...Boone for two weeks, Phoenix last week, and now Cleveland.

I've had some excellent send-offs and good-byes in each place, so thanks for helping alleviate the anxiety of moving. My final goodbye in Boone was the most theatrical moment of my life. We (Harry, Stuart, and Devin) put my paper-mache monster in the fire pit with a healthy dose of camp fuel and a mouthful of black cats. A nice group of friends came for the funeral pyre. I made a little speech about family, tears were shed, hands were held. And then we blew monster up. Nothing left but a clothes-hanger skeleton. Explosions are touching, I guess.

Moments like that are almost tangible, and they certainly remind me that I'm not forgotten as I leave town. It's exciting to think that I might even know my friends better after a year. Change doesn't erase the past. It just makes it more interesting.


Martian Lice said...

Bretto D.,

I hope you have a safe trip and an awesome time. Keep in touch!


Anonymous said...

are you still alive?

concerned from hurricane,
