Sunday, September 9, 2007

Bathroom Tales

Luxuries begin in the bathroom. I can manage cooking in a cramped kitchen or sleeping on a hard bed. But when the bathroom is sub-standard, life is hard.
Let´s take my bathroom, for instance. My water is finicky, and sometimes just doesn´t work. Hot water hasn´t been invented here. The flushing mechanism in the toilet is broken, and so i have to use those yellow dishwashing gloves and fish around in the murky tank to manually flush the thing. Fun.
One night, I went to take a shower. There was no water, so I pulled out a reserve bucket that I keep around for emergencies. I shivered as I poured mug after mug of cold water on my head, and I thought, {this is really grand, spongebathing in another country} and just then all my power goes out, and I´m in a pitch black bathroom, with no noise but the dripping of water. And I laugh... feverish laughter that is a strange mix of stress and happiness. Part of being here is losing control of my circumstances. I don´t have the power and water that I´m so dependent on. And laughing was a release of my incapability here; realizing that there´s no way I´m going to always have a comfy ride.
So I don´t mean to complain. I love my bathroom, and I can´t wait until the power goes out again.

On another note, Hurricane Felix did very little to Siguatepeque. A night of rain, and not much more.
On another note, my kids are crazy.

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