Friday, November 2, 2007

Settling In

Del Sol Montessori just wrapped up its tenth week today. Life has settled in many ways, and the oddities of not-quite-third-world living feel normal. My job puts routine in my life like I've never known. Sometimes I go for night strolls (my neighborhood is really safe) and I'm surprised by how different the streets look. Streetlights with spiderwebbed powerlines dot the cobbled streets. I like sitting in the park and watching the town close down. The town drunk tucks his bottle in the waist of his dirty pants just in time to take his dreamy sidewalk dive.
I've been taking Spanish lessons at another school with a few other North Americans. If for nothing else, it gets me away from overlong days at school. I was helping my students make up sentences one day, and while writing "The boy rides his bicycle," I realized that I wanted to ride a bicycle. Two days ago, I found a cool old Magna 10 speed road bike, the kind with the foil logo on the head tube, and I just had to buy it. I feel like I'm flying to school in the mornings, weaving throught traffic with my right pant leg rolled up.
Riding is one of those little flings of freedom that keep life a little interesting. I miss all the flexiblility of college and climbing whenever I wanted, but structure is good too. Growing up is good.

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